Two-Phase Treatment
Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a specialized process combining tooth straightening and growth modification.
Two-phase treatment is a form of treatment that orthodontists are able to offer children who present with significant orthodontic abnormalities. Through this form of treatment, major interventions—such as tooth extractions and surgery—can be avoided. In order to determine if a child needs orthodontic treatment, they should see an orthodontist right around their seventh birthday, as this is the ideal age to begin treatment if it is needed.
Is Two-Phase Treatment Used Often?
At our office, we do not suggest treatment unless if will significantly help the patient. When we assess the oral health of children, in most cases we find no cause for concern, or there will be an issue that can wait to be treated until the child hits their teens. However, we do come across those who need earlier treatment to avoid more painful procedures later on. Only in this situations do we suggest early treatment.
Why Early Treatment Makes a Difference
When treatment starts early, there is still significant growth set to happen. The doctor can harness this growth in order to better guide the jaw and teeth, avoiding the need to surgery and even extractions later in life. If recommended, treatment should not be delayed.
The Two Phases
Two-phase treatment is, as you would imagine, divided into two phases. The first phase is around the age of nine and will involve braces worn for roughly a year. Depending on the needs of the patient, other devices may be worn as well. This will help get the teeth and jaw into place so that as growth occurs, the dental anatomy will be better aligned.
After the braces come off, there is a resting phase where development is closely monitored. The second phase again involves braces, this time around the age of 12. This time the braces and other appliances will be worn for about two years. After the braces come off, retainers will be worn to ensure the results remain the same.
If your child has turned seven or is about to, call us to schedule your consultation.
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